Saturday, September 5, 2015

Crispy Sugar Cookies

    I was searching for something cute to make for a friend's baby shower this weekend and I came upon a recipe for truffles made of sugar cookies. I thought that sounded like a good idea! The recipe called for store bought cookie dough, oh heck no! I decided to make my own of course. I even threw in some red food coloring and made them pink because she is having a girl. This recipe is so super simple. And they come out light and crispy. My mom said they are almost like vanilla wafers. Stay tuned for my version of sugar cookie truffles, I'm thinking I'll call them bon-bons instead!

Crispy Sugar Cookies
- 1 cup of softened butter
- 1 cup of sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- 2 1/2 cups of flour
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
    Preheat oven to 365 degrees. In a large mixing bowl, beat together the butter and sugar until combined. Mix in first egg completely and then, mix in the second egg. Next, stir in the vanilla extract. In a separate bowl, mix together the flour and salt. Add the flour mixture to the batter and mix until combined. Drop the dough with a teaspoon onto a greased cookie sheet about two inches apart. Bake the cookies for about 10-15 minutes, until edges are golden brown. Let them slightly cool before removing from the cookie sheet. 

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