Thursday, April 30, 2015

Spinach Tortellini Soup

    As my mother would say, "Sometimes, less is more Bridget." This recipe really brings out the taste of the roasted red peppers. It really doesn't need a whole lot of seasoning. This is a super simple and fast idea for dinner!

Spinach Tortellini Soup
- 1 (9 ounce) package of tortellini
- 3 (14 ounce) cans of chicken broth
- 1 (7 ounce) jar of roasted red peppers, drained and chopped
- 3 green onions, chopped
- 3 cups of fresh spinach
- 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
    Cook the tortellini according to package directions and drain. Bring the chicken broth to a simmer in a large saucepan. Add the cooked tortellini, peppers, green onions, and spinach. Let simmer for a minute. Serve and top with Parmesan cheese.   

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