Thursday, June 4, 2015

Baby Shower Ideas! Welcome Wyatt!

    A few weeks ago, I had the honor of helping some friends throw a baby shower for a good friend of ours, Laci! I immediately turned to Pinterest to get some ideas! I've come to the realization that Getting Bridgie With It, up until now, has been entirely recipes and all about food. I'm going to start expanding my horizons a little bit. I want to share ideas and not only foodie ideas.

    I was really excited to celebrate little Wyatt coming into the world with my friend Laci. We've worked together and been friends for years and I adore her! I thought it would be cute to do light blue with black lace as a theme. Here are some ideas for baby shower planning if you're brainstorming!

The Clothespin Game

    The sign is pretty self explanatory! I just made the poster out of poster board and wrapped the clothespins in lace and ribbons. I think I lost my clothespin within the first 10 minutes! Luis ranked supreme at that one! Amanda was pretty great at it too!

Luis kicking butt!
Tree Of Friends

    Our friend Luis is also an amazing artist! I bought a cute frame and I asked him to draw us a tree for the baby shower sign-in! We asked friends to "leaf" their finger prints and sign their names. It turned out really adorable! 

Guess The Baby Food

    I never realized how disgusting baby food can be. This is a really cute game idea for any baby shower. You'll definitely notice that the moms in the group will be really good at this one! I simply numbered each can of baby food and made little guess cards out of card stock. The cards had a place for you to write your name and numbers with blank spaces to fill in your guess! 

Guess How Many

    Here's another super simple and cute idea for a game. Grab a couple of baby bottles, you could even have more than two with different candies! I used skittles and whoppers. I counted them all and wrote down the number on the back of the sign. I made little cards of card stock again for you to write your guess and your name. I put out a jar for you to place your guess in. Some of the girls came really close! Brandy was right on and guessed the whopper number perfectly! You go girl!

Candy Bar!!

I loved this idea! Fill a bag with goodies to take home and enjoy! Yum!

Veggie Cups

So simple and adorable. 

    We had a lovely afternoon! Amelia did a killer job making food! I feel like I got to meet a lot of my friends' children and get a little glimpse into future mommy-hood. (it's terrifying but exciting lol!) Little baby Wyatt was born yesterday morning! 7 pounds, 8 ounces of beautiful little baby boy! Laci, you're an amazing mommy and I'm so proud of and excited for you! Love you chica! 

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