Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Peanut Butter Bonbons

    It's finally here!!! The twelfth and final day in my countdown! Merry Christmas Eve everyone! I hope that you are all enjoying time with family and friends. I just finished making my favorite Christmas bonbons. I got this recipe from my mom years ago. I've been making them every Christmas for years and I have to say, they rock! They're creamy AND crunchy! what???

Peanut Butter Bonbons
- 2 tablespoons of softened butter
- 1/2 cup of confectioners' sugar
- 1/2 cup of creamy peanut butter
- 3/4 cup of graham cracker crumbs
- 3 squares of chocolate almond bark
    Cream together the butter, sugar, and peanut butter. Mix in the graham cracker crumbs. Form into one inch balls. Melt almond bark and drizzle on top. I sprinkled toasted coconut on some of mine. These are my favorite!!!

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